JORVIK SWIM ACADEMY is a Swim England accredited Swim School, following the Swim England (formerly ASA) curriculum.

Our swimmers are awarded Swim England badges and certificates on completion of each Stage, before moving up to the next Stage teaching group.

On completion of Stage 7, our swimmers are invited to a trial with TEAM JORVIK SWIM CLUB, to join our Vikings Squad. Our Vikings Squad is taught in the same pool as our Academy lessons, at Archbishop Holgate School, which allows for a smooth transition between learning to swim, and swim training for fitness or for competitive sport.

Full details of the individual stages of our Swim England curriculum can be found by watching the videos and clicking the buttons below.


At your free JORVIK ACADEMY lesson trial, our experienced teaching team will welcome your child and ensure they have a brilliant first lesson with us!

Amongst the fun, our teaching staff will be assessing your child’s current skills and ability to ensure they are offered a place in the Stage of lessons that is the best fit for them.

If your child has received swimming lessons before, please let us know which Swim England Stage they are swimming in.

If this is your child’s first time accessing swimming lessons, or if they have been taught under a different scheme, our team are trained to assess which Stage is the best fit for each individual child, based on their ability and their confidence.

We look forward to welcoming you to our TEAM JORVIK swim family!